Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are getting a patch slated for the end of this February. Among the updates in this patch are many bug fixes and great quality-of-life changes! Below is a list of some of the most important new fixes to look out for! From a Pokémon’s summary, players will be able to change Pokémon’s nicknames, markings, held items, and mark- or Ribbon-related titles, as well as being able to reorder moves, have Pokémon remember moves, have Pokémon forget moves, and use TMs. This is a huge time save for competitive players, shiny/ribbon hunters, and casual battlers alike! Players will be able to swap out held items by pressing the Y Button when in the Held Items view. Another pretty big quality-of-life improvement for competitive players. This is a very important thing this generation, as the competitive VGC scene has an amazing meta and exciting competition currently. Keeping competitive players from pulling their hair out in team building is great ...