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Showing posts with the label Pokemon Go

Noibat Community Day Boosts Pokemon Go Newbies

Introduction On Sunday, February 5th, Noibat will be the focus of the latest Pokemon GO Community Day.  For established players of the game, Noivern, its evolution, isn't likely to be more than a Pokedex entry.  But for those without many solid Pokemon for gyms, Noivern becomes a very attractive option.  Normally, the 400 Noibat candy it would take to evolve Noibat into Noivern would be nearly impossible for a new player to rack up with any efficiency.  However, with Noibat spawning all over the place, and all candy from catching being doubled, this evolution gets much easier for one day only. (This guy right here? Keep an eye on him, newbies.) Why Noivern Saves Noobs While Noivern lags behind its Dragon-Flying counterparts in most ways, the availability the dragon-bat gets for this one day is very important. While Dragonite takes only 125 Dratini candy to evolve, Dratini is a wildly rare spawn.  Even using Pinap Berries on every catch means you'll have to c...

Top 4 Best Events in Pokemon Go

Much like the normal world, the world of Pokémon Go celebrates a number of holidays in its events. These events often include special research missions, new Pokemon, and more! Check out these exciting events year after year: 4: Pokémon Go Fest Pokémon Go Fest is a yearly event that takes place in the summer.  It's a great time to get out, find a good area to grind, and start catching! The event includes special bonuses for players who buy an extra pass: Shinies appear much more frequently than usual, and you can get an extra research mission to give you extra rewards. Beyond that, everyone who plays during the event can take a crack at raids against some Legendary Pokemon! 3: Halloween Halloween is a great time to get your hands on some solid ghost and dark type Pokemon. There are also interesting non-legendary raids during this period, most of them being those types as well.  All around, a great time to come out and socialize with some grim grinning Gastly! 2: Equinox event T...