On Sunday, February 5th, Noibat will be the focus of the latest Pokemon GO Community Day. For established players of the game, Noivern, its evolution, isn't likely to be more than a Pokedex entry. But for those without many solid Pokemon for gyms, Noivern becomes a very attractive option. Normally, the 400 Noibat candy it would take to evolve Noibat into Noivern would be nearly impossible for a new player to rack up with any efficiency. However, with Noibat spawning all over the place, and all candy from catching being doubled, this evolution gets much easier for one day only.(This guy right here? Keep an eye on him, newbies.)
Why Noivern Saves Noobs
While Noivern lags behind its Dragon-Flying counterparts in most ways, the availability the dragon-bat gets for this one day is very important. While Dragonite takes only 125 Dratini candy to evolve, Dratini is a wildly rare spawn. Even using Pinap Berries on every catch means you'll have to catch it 21 times to fully evolve. Altaria also takes 400 Swablu candy to evolve, but in addition to the challenge of catching anywhere from 67 to 135 Swablu, Altaria isn't great for attacking or defending gyms, being much better in PvP battles.
And the value of Noivern comes through in exactly that: It isn't a top-tier attacker or defender in gym battles, but it puts in work on either front. Early in your Pokemon Go journey, where both good attackers and defenders are hard to come by, something that serves both purposes is a high-value addition to your army of Pokemon.
If you're new to Pokemon Go, make sure you're playing on February 5th! Your efforts throughout the day will give you an edge in taking down and keeping gyms.
Tips for Getting Noivern
- Keep spinning Pokestops! Grinding out this many catches will eventually put you low on Poke Balls.
- Use Pinap Berries as much as you can to speed things up! Each Pinap Berry doubles your already-doubled Candy yield. Make it count.
- Periodically transfer a few Noibat to the Professor. He'll give you Candy and free up your Pokemon storage.
- Use Incense, especially if you're not going to be moving much, and even more so if you aren't playing near any Pokestops or Gyms. Otherwise, you won't be seeing many Pokemon at all, much less the Noibat you're looking for!
Good luck, fledgeling Trainers!
If you're new to Pokemon Go, check out more events to watch out for here!
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