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Weather teams and 'weather' they're worth it


Weather in Pokemon is much like real life weather. It's often volatile, but it can also be vital to certain plans. The question is, can weather be competitive with this touch-and-go nature? 

What is weather? What does it do?

Weather is a temporary condition that affects mainly the power of certain types. Weather can be set by an ability or move and only one weather effect can be active at a time. If a Pokémon uses a damaging move of a type the active weather benefits, they will deal increased damage from the move. Fire types get boosts from Sun, Ground types are buffed by Sand, Hail and Snow both help Ice types thrive, and Rain works with Water types.

Doubles vs. Singles.

Weather has a different metagame effect in doubles than in singles. In double battles, only 4 pokemon are sent out in a given game. Beyond that, they come in pairs. This means games last fewer turns, which is crucial for weather teams, as each effect only lasts so long. However, on Smogon's singles ladder—where you only have one opponent at a time, and 6 'mons to fight-- weather tends to be a race against the clock to sweep as much as possible before the rain dries up or the sun dies down.

Weather without Damage

Sun and Rain, by themselves, do no damage. However, they can still be very helpful in battle because they affect a number of moves:

Sun has Solar Beam, which doesn't need to charge if Sun is active.

Rain has Thunder, for example, which is 100% accurate when Rain is falling.

Weather with Damage

Hail (prior to gen 9) and sand both have a passive damage ability that targets all Pokemon that aren't of a certain type. Hail will spare Ice types, while sand hits all but Ground, Rock, and Steel.These small chips are great tools against defensive stall teams, but they can also be used for the very same defensively minded teams as a way to get just a little more damage as an inevitability.

Is it worth it?

If you're a competitive player of the game, then weather can be an excellent option. But it depends on the specific metagame you find yourself in. In generation 5, where weather is permanent, the format was warped by such teams. In more modern generations, the common matchups of the era might help or hinder you.

But that said, if you just want a fun, unique, focused team, weather is always a solid option
